Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Grand Rapids Conference

This past weekend, I was at the Central States Rotary Youth Exchange Conference in Grand Rapids, MI. There were around 1,300 people there from all over the world. The pride and the energy was unbelievable. There was dancing and chanting and laughing. Music from all over the world filled the air the entire weekend, now hearing Chile club music or Brazilian "creu" makes me homesick for Grand Rapids. I can't believe the friendships that a person can build in five days. Saying good-bye to everybody, knowing that we would never see each other again, was one of the hardest things we have ever had to do. I am leaving in about 2 weeks, and finally getting nervous. 


Saturday, June 26, 2010


Erika, 24; Andrea, 17; Kara, 14

My sisters and I. Norwegian and Danish blood account for all the blonde hair. My brown eyes are Greek. But not a drop of Swedish. Can't count how many times I've heard, 
"Oh, Sweden? You'll fit right it with that hair!"



My mom bought this sticker thinking I would let her put in on my car. 
Yeah, right! 
I stuck it on hers instead. 

Anyway, currently working on a video presentation about my hometown, family, etc. So much work! Visas, passports, applications. It will all be over soon. Very very soon.  I leave for Ystad at the end of July and this summer is speeding by.  Maybe not fast enough because I can't wait! I've been in contact with my first host family and they are great. Four children aged 12-18, so it they should be a lot of fun. I'm still not nervous, but we'll see how my nerves hold when I start to pack! 


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Geometry Notes

My school notebook...

As school is winding down, I find myself day dreaming about Sweden... probably more than what would be healthy for my math grade. This page was once notes on ratios of similitude. 


Monday, April 26, 2010